Exam Questions

Student answers one question from each of the four groups. To make it easier for students to prepare for the exam, we have made the specifics of the individual exam questions available for students on the web site, but also on the exam site after the questions have been retrieved. Each question specifies the main points the student should prepare, as well as the recommended images he should draw. If the student thinks fit, he can prepare other points or draw other images that are in some way related to the topic. Teachers also have the right to ask for other questions related to the topic, even if they are not listed among the main points.

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Group A: Locomotion system (bones, joints, muscles) and Topography


1.    General structure and growth of a bone

2.    Bones of limbs

3.    Skull

4.    Skull of newborn and temporomandibular joint

5.    Vertebral column, sternum and ribs

Joints and corresponding regions

6.    General structure of a joint

7.    Joints of pectoral girdle

8.    Shoulder joint and axilla

9.    Elbow joint and cubital fossa

10.    Joints and topographical sites of hand

11.    Pelvis as a whole

12.    Hip and sacroiliac joint

13.    Knee joint and popliteal fossa

14.    Ankle joint, joints of foot, foot arch and  topographical sites of foot

15.    Joints of vertebral column and thorax


16.    General structure and innervation of a muscle

17.    Masticatory and facial muscles, fasciae of head

18.    Muscles and fasciae of neck

19.    Muscles and fasciae of thorax

20.    Diaphragm and mechanism of breathing

21.    Muscles and fasciae of abdomen

22.    Pelvic and urogenital floors and their fasciae, ischioanal fossa

23.    Muscles, fasciae, regions and topographic sites of back

24.    Muscles, fasciae, regions and topographic sites of pectoral girdle

25.    Muscles, fasciae, regions and topographic sites of arm

26.    Muscles, fasciae, regions and topographic sites of forearm

27.    Muscles, fasciae, regions and topographic sites of hand

28.    Muscles, fasciae, regions and topographic sites of pelvic girdle

29.    Muscles, fasciae, regions and topographic sites of thigh

30.    Muscles, fasciae, regions and topographic sites of leg

31.    Muscles, fasciae, regions and topographic sites of foot


32.    Scalp and cranial vault, frontal and occipital regions

33.    Orbit and nasal cavity

34.    Face, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae

35.    Regions, triangles and spaces of neck

36.    Inguinal canal, abdominal wall and herniae

37.    Topographical sites of upper limb

38.    Topographical sites of lower limb

39.    Vertebral canal and its contents

40.    Topography of male pelvis and male genital organs

41.    Topography of female pelvis and female genital organs

Essential points and figures for each Qs- Group A

Group B: Organ systems (digestive, respiratory, urinary a and genital, heart, endocrine glands and skin)

Digestive system

1.    Teeth

2.    Tongue and palate

3.    Salivary glands

4.    Pharynx

5.    Oesophagus

6.    Stomach and omental bursa

7.    Duodenum

8.    Small intestine

9.    Large intestine

10.    Rectum

11.    Liver

12.    Gallbladder and bile ducts

13.    Pancreas

14.    Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity

Respiratory system

15.    Nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx

16.    Larynx

17.    Trachea and bronchial tree

18.    Lungs and alveolar tree

19.    Pleura and pleural cavity

20.    Mediastinum, its division and contents

Urinary system

21.    Kidneys

22.    Urinary tract

23.    Male and female urethra

Genital system

24.    Scrotum, testis and epididymis

25.    Excretory male genital tract

26.    Accessory male genital glands

27.    External male genital organs

28.    Ovarium and ovarian cycle

29.    Uterine tube

30.    Uterus and menstruation cycle

31.    Placenta and fetal membranes

32.    Vagina

33.    External female genital organs


34.    Heart – structure, cavities, valves

35.    Conducting system of heart

36.    Heart – vessels and innervation

37.    Heart and circulation


38.    Thyroid and parathyroid glands

39.    Suprarenal gland and other hormone producing organs

40.    Pituitary gland

41.    Mammary gland

42.    Skin

43.    Second week of development

44.    Third week of development

Essential points and figures of each Qs- Group B

Group C: Vascular and lymphatic system and peripheral nervous system


1.    Blood

2.    Hemopoesis

3.    Aorta and coronary arteries

4.    Abdominal aorta

5.    Iliac arteries

6.    External carotid artery

7.    Maxillary artery

8.    Internal carotid artery

9.    Cerebral arterial circle

10.    Vertebral artery

11.    Subclavian artery

12.    Arteries of upper limb

13.    Arteries of lower limb


14.    Dural venous sinuses and veins of the brain

15.    Veins of neck

16.    Superior vena cava and its tributaries, cavocaval anastomoses

17.    Inferior vena cava and its tributaries, cavocaval anastomoses

18.    Portal vein and portocaval anastomoses

19.    Veins of thorax and portocaval anastomoses

20.    Superficial veins and venous perforators of limbs

21.    Deep veins and venous perforators of limbs

Lymphatic system

22.    Spleen

23.    Thymus, incompletely encapsulated and non-encapsulated lymphoid tissue

24.    Lymphatic vessels and trunks

25.    Lymphatic drainage of head and neck

26.    Lymphatic drainage of thorax and upper limb

27.    Lymphatic drainage of abdomen

28.    Lymphatic drainage of pelvis and lower limb

Peripheral nervous system

29.    General structure of spinal nerve and thoracic nerves

30.    Dermatomes, myotomes, peripheral nerve fields, Head’s zones, ganglia

31.    Special sensory cranial nerves

32.    Oculomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves

33.    Trigeminal nerve

34.    Facial nerve

35.    Glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves

36.    Vagus nerve

37.    Cervical plexus and hypoglossal nerve

38.    Brachial plexus

39.    Lumbar plexus

40.    Sacral plexus

41.    Sympathetic trunk

42.    Abdominal autonomic plexuses

43.    Cranial parasympathetic system

44.    Sacral parasympathetic system

Essential points and figures of each Qs- Group C

Group D: Group D: Central nervous system

Central nervous system

1.    General structure of nervous system (neuron, glia, synapsis, mediators, receptors)

2.    Spinal cord – grey matter

3.    Spinal cord – white matter and reflexes

4.    Medulla oblongata,  reflexes and function

5.    Pons,  reflexes and function

6.    Mesencephalon,  reflexes and function

7.    Reticular formation

8.    Cerebellum – structure and function

9.    Cerebellum – connections and function

10.    Diencephalon – division, epithalamus, subthalamus, metathalamus, pineal gland

11.    Thalamus

12.    Hypothalamus and pituitary gland

13.    Internal capsule and white matter of telencephalon

14.    Cortical functional areas

15.    Basal ganglia

16.    Limbic system

17.    Association and commissural connections of brain

18.    Motor tracts

19.    Sensory tracts

20.    Visual tract

21.    Auditory and vestibular tracts

22.    Olfactory and gustatory tracts

23.    Meninges, brain ventricles and cerebrospinal fluid

24.    Arteries of brain and spinal cord

25.    Veins of brain and spinal cord

26.    Chemical systems of brain

27.    Topography of cranial cavity


28.    Eye – anterior segment

29.    Eye – posterior segment

30.    Accessory structures of eye

31.    Oculomotor muscles and topography of orbit

32.    External ear

33.    Middle ear

34.    Internal ear

35.    Smell

36.    Taste

37.    Touch

38.    Pain

39.    Interoceptors

Essential points and figures of each Qs- Group D


Created: 2. 3. 2022 / Modified: 9. 6. 2023 / Responsible person: MUDr. Martin Salaj, Ph.D.