We highly recommend our students to keep on track with study performance throughout the whole academic year. In the process as you may face learning obstacles or a decline in performance, we advise you to seek consultations as soon as possible to solve the underlying issues and retain a baseline standards of academic performance.
- Regarding your general studies in anatomy, histology and embryology: Do not hesitate to actively communicate with any of the teaching staff for consultation arrangements.
- For at office consultation sessions: you may contact for anatomy MUDr. Azzat Al-Redouan, Ph.D., MUDr. Martin Salaj, Ph.D., or prof. MUDr. David Kachlík, Ph.D. and for histology and embryology MUDr. Andrea Felšőová, or MUDr. Jiří Uhlík, Ph.D. for specific time and topic arrangements.
Times of visits: by appointment or prior a notice.
- Focused tutoring by utilizing Anatomage virtual anatomy: Organized by junior doctors and senior students under the supervision of our department.
Students Tutors:
*To schedule a session: contact one of the assigned tutors or MUDr. Azzat Al-Redouan, Ph.D..
- For psychological support concerning study difficulties and motivational challnnges: Contact MUDr. Anastasiya Lahutsina, PhD.
- For personal issues outside the scope of anatomy of a psychosocial nature: Contact the study department of the Second Faculty of Medicine offers specifically for students Psychological Counselling.