Integrated Clinical Neuroanatomy & Neuropathophysiology

Eligible Subject: "Integrated Clinical Neuroanatomy & Neuropathophysiology"


This subject is intended to bridge the basic and clinical neuroscience foundations into one integrated course. Students will be exposed in depth to the principles of the neurological disorders at its basic background of its clinical anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pathophysiology as one unit.

*Recommended for 3rd to 6th year students. 


Aim of the course

Students learn about the nervous system in portions of neuroanatomy first year followed by neurophysiology second year, and then neuropathology third year. The aim of this subject is to integrate all those steps into one subject solidifying the overlapping aspects with emphasis on its clinical aspects and application in one supplementary unit. 


Credits requirements: (1 semesters course - 3 credits)

*Full attendance (one absence allowed).



The course will take place once every week in 10 seminars (2-3 hours) during the summer semester.

Mondays 15:00-17:00 - Starting from the 3rd week of the semester (*Preliminary tentative time

1.    Brain MRI – Anatomy and clinical cases.

2.    Pain.

3.    Neurophysiology of learning and memory.

4.    Neuroanatomy bases of psychiatric disorders.

5.    Neuroendocrinology.

6.    Cerebral aneurysms. Increased intracranial pressure & brain hernias.

7.    Ischemic and hypoxic CNS lesions.

8.    Basal ganglia lesions.

9.    Epilepsy. 

10.    Brain growth & CNS congenital defects.

Created: 5. 8. 2020 / Modified: / Responsible person: MUDr. Azzat Al-Redouan