Clinical anatomy research

The scope of the research is focused on morphological variations and its clinical implications. The observations are carried on dry bone specimens, cadaveric dissections, and imaging methods as well as meta-analysis of retrospective clinical data. 

  • Vascular variations: Tortuous arteries with special focus on ulnar and radial arteries. Aberrant arteries commonly encountered in surgical operations such as aberrant obturator artery and coeliac trunk. Venous network variations with special interest on saphenous connections, jugular veins, and suprascapular vein. Integrated project elaborating on vertebrobasilar artery course. Eyeball vasculature. 
  • Scapula morphometry: Measuring selected parameters of scapula substructures aiming to morphologically classify and detect patterns that correlate to clinical implications such as impingement syndrome, suprascapular notch stenosis, fracture sites and fixations.   
  • Peripheral nerves anatomical entrapments: Selected nerves coursing through narrow topographical spaces as they run peripherally. The aim is to define the exact and variant anatomy of potential compression sites. Nerves of interests are nerves running deep in the scapular region, branches of the radial nerve, and the sciatic nerve.
  • Variant structures and foramina of the skull: Investigating their occurrence and size. Observations are carried on mastoid foramen, vermian fossa, squamomastoid suture, suprameatal spine, postglenoid foramen, and foramen Huschkae.
  • Anatomy of the hand: Surface anatomy of the hand. Variations of deep hand muscles, especially lumbricals.
  • Sonography of musculoskeletal system: Mapping anatomical variations as tools into clinical diagnostics. Topography of interest are hand structures and scapular region with emphasis on assessment of suprascapular notch space and topography.
  • Sonography of vascular system: Mapping anatomical variations as tools into clinical diagnostics. Topography of interest are upper and lower limb veins and their variants, e.g. cubital venous perforators, intersaphenous veins and relations of the superficial veins and cutaneous nerves.

Team: prof. MUDr. David Kachlík, Ph.D. (Supervisor & head of department)

MUDr. Azzat Al-Redouan
MUDr. Michal Beneš  
MUDr. Anastasiya Lahutsina, PhD.
MUDr. Adam Whitley 
MUDr. Vojtěch Kunc
Mgr. Šárka Salavová
MUC. Carl V. Olson, B.Sc.
doc. MUDr. MDDr. Jiří Šedý, MBA, Ph.D.


Created: 16. 3. 2022 / Modified: 26. 7. 2024 / Responsible person: MUDr. Azzat Al-Redouan