Link to anatomy lectures presentations (LF1) (winter semester; summer semester)
*Anatomy lectures are organized and combined by both LF1 and LF2.
Link to histology and embryology lectures presentations
Moodle (passcode will be distributed in the first class)
Self study of anatomical specimens (opening times)
2.LF Anatomy Official YouTube Channel
Additional selected anatomy presentations from lectures and seminars (LF2)
Introductory Anatomy Orientation
Introduction to histology + basic histological techniques (Uhlík)
Introduction to anatomy, General anatomy of bones, Bones of the upper extremities
Bones of the lower extremities
Lower Limb Compartments – Overview
Skull - individual bones and development
Embryology III - mesoderm, bones, muscles, limbs (Prochazkova)
Embryology III - development o mesoderm, bones, muscles, limbs (Uhlík)
Development of heart and vessels (Uhlík)
Lymphoid system histology (Uhlík)
GIT 1 - histology and embryology (Dráb)
GIT 2 histology - stomach and intestine (Uhlík)
GIT 3 histology - salivary glands, pancreas, liver, biliary tract (Dráb)
GIT, respiratory system and coelom - embryology (Uhlík)
Digestive system – GIT (esophagus, stomach, small intestine)
Digestive system – lower GIT (large intestine, rectum)
Respiratory system - histology (Uhlík)
Urinary system histology (Roštok)
Urinary system - excretory system
Male genital system - histology (Uhlík)
Female genital system and placenta - histology (Felšöová)
Placenta and fetal membranes (Blanková)
Development of urogenital system (Malečková)
Nervous system - histology and embryology (Roštok)
Endocrine system (Procházková)
Skin - histology and embryology (Uhlík)
Sensory organs I - eye histology and embryology (Uhlík)
Sensory organs II - ear, smell, taste,.... (Felšöová)
Special histological techniques (Uhlík)
Introduction to dissections and superficial veins and cutaneous nerves
Course of nerves and vessels of limbs
Topography of the Pelvis & Neck
Introduction of Imaging methods
Radiographs of the bones and joints of the upper extremity
Radiographs of the bones and joints of the lower extremity
Radiographs of the bone and joints of the axial skeleton
Imaging – Cardiovascular system
Seminars: Bones of the extremities
Seminars: Joints of the extremities
Seminars: Muscles of the extremities
Seminars: Axial Skeleton & Joints
Seminars: Muscles of the Trunk
Seminars: Head & Neck Musculoskeletal System
Seminars: Heart
Seminars: Vessels Overview
Seminars: Lymphatic System Overview
Seminars: Digestive System I
Seminars: Digestive System II
Seminars: Urinary System
Seminars: Female Urogenital System
Seminars: Male Urogenital System
Seminars: PNS 1 - Spinal Nerves
Seminars: PNS 2 - Cranial Nerves
Seminars: CNS 1 – Meninges & Blood Supply
Seminars: CNS1 - Cerebellum, Brain Stem, Spinal cord & Tracts
Seminars: CNS 2 – The Brain
Seminars: CNS 2 – Brain MRI
Seminars: Sensory System Anatomy
Upper and Lower Extremities X-ray
Overview of the portocaval and cavocaval anastomoses
Respiratory system – supplementary figures
Dermatomes and head innervation
External Links
Applications based on Memorix Anatomy
Anatomyka – the most detailed 3D anatomical atlas in the world in English and Czech language with English and Latin terminology
Memorix Anatomy QUIZ – an anatomy revision app with over 15,000 questions – online anatomy practice tailored to the knowledge of specific students
Online Anatomy Dictionary – online dictionary with English, Latin Czech and Slovak terminology according to Terminologia Anatomica
Histology & Microscopic Anatomy
Memorix Histology QUIZ – a histology revision app with over 7,000 questions
FFix It! YouTube channel (histological & pathology videos in English)
Shotgun Histology (virtual microscopic demonstration videos)
Felso Stain (videos in Czech, Slovak, and English)
Virtual Microscopic Slides (virtual microscopic slides)
Student histological atlas (virtual microscopic slides LF2)
Color Images of Histological Sections (microscopic photos)
Histology Guide (microscopic photos)
LUMEN Histology home page (microscopic photos)
Virtual Human Embryo (Carnegie stages)
Skeletal System (real fotage with quiz labeling feature)
Vertebral Column (demonstration videos)
Skeleton of the Thorax (demonstration videos)
Skull Bones (3D illustration of bony composition of the skull)
Dissection Videos
Video library (by topic – matches weekly practicals)
Video library (by region – matches dissection weeks)
Illustration Videos
Functional anatomy of dissected upper limb (illustrates movements of muscles on mobile cadaver)
Inguinal canal & herniae (animated illustration)
Facial Muscles and the Scalp (specimens Demonstrations)
Cricothyrotomy (Essential clinical skills)
Lungs endoscopy (visualizing Tracheo-bronchial tree)
Vocal cords in action (during phonation)
Internal structure of the heart (functional anatomy)
Blood vessels of the head and neck (specimens Demonstrations)
Brachial plexus (animated review with clinical aspects)
Brachial plexus – individual nerves (animated review with clinical aspects)
Nerves of the head & neck (video library on specimens)
Brain anatomy including major pathways (video library)
Brain dissection (video illustrating cross sections)
Brain coronal sections (interactive online atlas)
Neuroanatomical structures (interactive online atlas)