Information on education in summer semester


Remotely in the form of recordings via Moodle and 2.LF Anatomy YouTube channel.


Alternating between 2 forms as specified in the timetable:

•    In person with adherence to COVID precaution regulation and capacity of 20 per classroom (number is subject to changing according to current situation updates).

•    Remotely as online seminars via ZOOM and YouTube recordings.

Dissection II

9th week (12-16.4.2021) in person with adherence to COVID precaution regulation and capacity restrictions of each dissection hall.


in 2 format as following:

•    Oral examination: Heart and CNS3 (Brain) in person with adherence to COVID precaution regulation and capacity of 10 per classroom (number is subject to changing according to current situation updates).

•    Written tests: all remotely online, always on Monday 13.00 according to the timetable

New implemented rules as a control measure against cyber test misconducts

1.    Student accesses only the given specified link to test and do not share it.

2.    Student accesses the test sharply on time (maximal tolerance time 2 minutes in case of internet technical problems).

3.    Student must provide accurate personal identity as asked (Surname, First name, Group number, ISIC number).

4.    Student must turn on ZOOM video recording exposing student face and work station plus authentic shared screen of all opened browsers. The recording must be via the clouds and the link to be sent no longer than an hour after the test. Further step by step instructions will be sent via email.

5.    Failure to adhere to these conditions will result in test termination and a loss of the attempt.

6.    Non-compliant students will be reported to the Disciplinary Commission of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University immediately.

Created: 11. 2. 2021 / Upraveno: / Odpovědná osoba: prof. MUDr. David Kachlík, Ph.D.