Dissection Training

Practical training of topographical anatomy by hand-on work of cadaveric dissection.


  1. Dissecting and observing structures.
  2. Comprehensive understanding of anatomical relationships.
  3. Identifying anatomical compartments and spaces as well as their contents.
  4. Being able to identify structures and their course on the cadaver.
  5. Practically discussing anatomical concepts on the cadaver.


  • Winter semester: Topography of the extremities and topography of the trunk (musculoskeletal topics only). Bones, joints, muscles, blood vessels, lymph nodes, nerves (including skin innervation) and limb topography.
  • Summer semester: Topography of the head & neck and internal organs & body cavities. Review of extremities and trunk topography.


Two dissection courses of five consecutive days, 14.00 till 18.00. enclosed by an oral practical examination.

No absence is allowed. Exceptionally, absence is only allowed for very serious reasons after agreement with the course teacher. There are no practical classes during the dissection course. Education during the dissection course is led by the employees of the Department of Anatomy together with student lecturers and demonstrators. Students in each double-group are divided into three smaller groups, to allow more efficient and intensive learning.

Students are required to carry on dissecting tasks, and to learn actively by hand-on work. Demonstrators will be guides for dissecting skills and navigating the structures.


Day 1–3: Small student subgroups (a–c) alternate between three stations: learning, repetition and dissection. The schedule for rotation between stations and the topics to be covered is announced at the beginning of the dissection course.

Day 4: Finishing the dissection work and revision.

Day 5: Oral examination.

Required equipment

  • Lab coat/gown, lab shoes (or disposable shoe covers), and gloves. Outdoor footwear is strictly forbidden. Note: NO shorts/skirts are allowed due to dissection room safety cautions.
  • Badge name card. Follow rotations of your subgroup.
  • Pair of anatomical forceps, one dissecting scissors and a sharp scalpel. Scalpel handle size 4, blades no. 23 and 21. Anatomical instruments can be found in some pharmacies, medical supply shops or from ERGON a. s. or Medikbrand. Lab coats and gowns from Cadenza.
  • Dissection atlases, figures, schemes as a guide are recommended.

Dissection room safety

  • Sharp scalpel and dissection instruments MUST be handled with cautious. Blades must be covered while not in use. NO walking around with un-covered scalpel. Used scalpel are disposed in the specified containers.
  • Any cut incidence MUST be reported immediately to the group leader for proper first aid. Basic disinfectants and gaze are available at the back room.   
  • Dissection room is a hazardous zone. Formaldehyde is classified as a probable carcinogen, and it is teratogenic. Therefore, NO FOOD, NO DRINKS in dissection room. PREGNANT FEMALES ARE NOT ALLOWED inside dissection rooms. Preserve your clothing and study materials from formaldehyde contact.
  • It is save to touch the tissues without gloves. Proper hand washing after work is highly advised.
  • Formaldehyde can rarely cause mild allergies. If so, minimize contact by wearing a mask and not touching wet specimens by bare hand.

Classroom and dissection hall rules

The list of rules for the classrooms and dissection hall can be found here: Classroom and dissection room rules.


It is not recommended to bring any valuables during dissection course. Cloakrooms are available for students to store their belongings. No bags are allowed in dissection room. Only anatomical instruments and basic learning tools allowed to be taken into the dissection rooms.


The course is ended by a practical oral examination on the dissected cadavers. Each student will be assigned to a designated examiner. Students have three attempts for the dissection exam. Full attendance of the dissection course are a prerequisite for taking the dissection examination. 

Recommended dissection manual/atlases:

  • Olinger, B. A.; Human Gross Anatomy. Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
  • David A. Morton, Kerry D. Peterson, Kurt H. Albertine; Gray's Dissection Guide for Human Anatomy. 2nd edition. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007.
  • Patrick W. Tank, John Charles Boileau Grant; Grants Dissector. 15th edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.
  • Stingl, J. Grim, M. Druga, R. Regional Anatomy; Karolinum Galen, 2010.
Advanced dissection manual atlas for demonstrators and lecturers: 
  • Loukas M, et all. Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body. 2nd ed. Elsevier, 2013.
Dissection Videos – Video library
Introductory and supplementary PDF presentations

Introduction to dissections and superficial veins and cutaneous nerves

Course of nerves and vessels of limbs

Topography of the Pelvis & Neck

List of topographic questions

Winter semester (Topography of extremities)

Upper extremity

  1. Axilla
  2. Foramen humerotricipitale et omotricipitale
  3. Regio brachialis – topography of arm
  4. Fossa cubiti
  5. Regio antebrachialis – topography of forearm
  6. Regio carpalis, canalis carpi
  7. Regio manus, spatium palmare medium
  8. The course of the nerves and vessels of the upper extremity 
  9. Muscles, compartments and fasciae of the upper extremities 

Lower extremity

  1. Lacuna vasorum et musculorum, hernia femoralis
  2. Trigonum femorale a fossa iliopectinea
  3. Foramen ischiadicum majus et minus
  4. Regio femoralis – topography of thigh
  5. Fossa poplitea
  6. Regio cruris – topography of leg
  7. Spatium retromalleolare laterale et mediale
  8. Structures in front of the medial malleolus, dorsum pedis
  9. Planta pedis
  10. The course of the nerves and vessels of the lower extremity 
  11. Muscles, compartments and fasciae of the lower extremities 


  1. Abdominal wall, composition 
  2. Vagina mm. rectorum, herniae
  3. Canalis inguinalis, herniae
  4. Thoracic wall and intercostal space
  5. Superior and inferior lumbar triangles
  6. Trigonum suboccipitale
  7. Muscles, compartments and fasciae of the trunk

*This include all superficial and deep running structures; joints and bones; muscles origin and insertion; innervation and functions.

Summer semester (Topography of the body)


  1. Basis cranii interna
  2. Orbita
  3. Regio facialis
  4. Fossa pterygopalatina
  5. Fossa infratemporalis


  1. Trigonum cervicale anterius
  2. Trigonum cervicale laterale
  3. Trigonum caroticum
  4. Trigonum submandibulare
  5. Trigonum submentale
  6. Fissura scalenorum
  7. Layers and spaces of the neck


  1. Mediastinum
  2. Topographic relations of the oesophagus, trachea and aorta
  3. Thoracic wall of the thorax
  4. Diaphragm

Abdomen and pelvis

  1. Cavitas peritonealis
  2. Definition of intra-, retro- and secondary retroperitoneal organs
  3. Bursa omentalis
  4. Mesenteries, omenta and recesses of peritoneal cavity
  5. Right and left paracolic spaces
  6. Biliary ducts, trigonum cystohepaticum
  7. Course of ureter and ductus deferens
  8. Retroperitoneum
  9. Abdominal regions, projection of the organs to the anterior abdominal wall
  10. Topography of the male and female pelvis

Please keep in mind

When testing for summer dissection credit examiner may also ask:

  • structures and topography of shoulder and pelvic girdles;
  • parts of organs and their syntopy;
  • blood and nerve supply of organs;
  • muscles except for muscles of the forearm, hand, leg and foot.
Created: 4. 10. 2016 / Upraveno: / Odpovědná osoba: MUDr. Azzat Al-Redouan.